Hope for our Sisters invests in Prevention. Our most ambitious goal is to keep obstetric and traumatic fistula from ever occurring.
In the communities that many of our sisters call home, the value of a woman is often associated with her ability to bear a child. Tragically, up to 60% of fistula patients become infertile and only 20% of post-repair women are able to manage a full-term pregnancy. This damage can be repaired, but it cannot be reversed so it must be prevented. With your generous support and a call for greater global attention, we can eradicate fistula.
We fund gatherings for women, men and local health workers from villages in Angola and Nepal to participate in fistula prevention and awareness sessions. Using written materials, demonstrations, explanations and drama, our partners teach how fistulas develop and the roles prenatal care, proper nutrition and assisted delivery can play in prevention. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to fund these crucial trainings and resources, pay the salary of a Prevention and Empowerment Facilitator in Angola, and provide transportation for our partners to bring these sessions to more and more villages.
In addition to our fistula prevention training sessions, our other current prevention-focused projects include the Ultrasound Empowerment Program and our Maternal Health Fund.
Stories of Hope
Until 2024, hardly any NGO had ever gone to Sigas rural municipality. The fistula outreach programs carried out by our partner, the INF Surkhet Fistula Centre, in April 2024 were a big highlight…[Read More]
The Votoka (“Rise Up”) team in Angola trains nurses in obstetric fistula and conducts awareness lectures in communities.…[Read More]
Delinda needed an assisted birth to safely deliver her baby and was given the opportunity to wait for a month before her due date in the Casa de Esperança (“Waiting Home”)…[Read More]